Bredhurst Church of England Primary School News

The latest news stories from Bredhurst Church of England Primary School.


News Stories

  • MYG Table Tennis
    On Thursday several of our year 5 and 6 children took part in the MYG Table Tennis competition. They were placed 19th but although they were a little disappointed they were impeccably behaved and were a credit to the school.
  • Safer Internet Day
    Tuesday 6th February was Safer Internet Day and in school we looked at making the internet safer.
  • Captain Wonderweb
    On Friday we welcomed into school Captain Wonderweb and the Esteem Machine.
  • Number Day
    On Thursday 2nd February we celebrated Number Day by wearing shirts with numbers on them.
  • -MYG Swimming
    8 children attended the MYG Swimming event at Medway Park against 31 other schools.
  • Cross Country
    On Wednesday 10th January some of our year 4, 5 and 6 children took part in the first sporting event of the new term.
  • Fir Tree Class Worship
    On Thursday 11th January, Fir Tree Class led the first worship of the term, reminding us how important friends are and how we can be a good friend to others.
  • Junior Nativity - Time for a Change
    On Monday our junior children took part in the performance of 'Time for a Change', a retelling of the nativity story.
  • Christmas Disco
    As part of the Christmas celebrations, the children were able to attend the Christmas Disco.
  • Fir Tree Biscuits
    On Tuesday Fir Tree elves left some biscuits for the children to decorate.
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